The benefits of walking to health

Walking can be good exercise if done correctly, it is of moderate intensity and accessible to almost everyone, whatever their initial fitness. It can be done without special equipment, alone or together, everybody knows it, is safe and not be moved to a specific place to practice.

In addition, you can enter in everyday life without altering the customs and habits of people.

The benefits of walking

According to most studies, the body benefits of taking a daily walk of 30 minutes will result in cardiovascular benefits in terms of a lower frequency of myocardial infarction, adult diabetes, stroke and hypertension.

Moderate physical activity has shown benefit in osteoporosis, arthritis, falls in the elderly, and also effects on weight and lipids even more modest. It is also good for the mind, as there is some evidence that moderate exercise would help with depression and certain anxiety states.

To get started ...

The time needed to obtain health effects is ten minutes a day. According to a study conducted in Buenos Aires, 85% of people between 15 and 69 walk at least 10 consecutive minutes at least once a week. For this very reason and following the general advice of "something is better than nothing" and "more is better than a little" you can start by doing 10 minute periods each day. The pace should be faster than walking, looking glass, in a firm and regular, and both can talk about not crossing words.

Taking three 10 minute periods could be an initial target, but to know that most of the studies showing benefit were made with 30 minutes straight. Do not forget to do stretching exercises regularly.

A few weeks are enough to improve circulation issues and reduce insulin resistance, while enhancing the tone. Meanwhile, to lose weight or improve the lipid profile requires several months.

The convenience of liquid to drink during the walk, depending on the time devoted to it and weather conditions. Overall up to 30 minutes could do without drinking water, unless it is done in summer in the hottest hours.

An exercise for all ages

In principle there are no restrictions for elderly or infirm, in fact cardiologists recommend walking or patients who have had coronary bypass. The only caveat is that the elderly need to assess the balance, balance and if there are orthopedic impairments. For example if there is a significant hip osteoarthritis, the fact of walking can cause pain and therefore would have to do other exercise, such as stationary bike.

For those with diabetes, heart or lung disease should undergo physician before starting a walking program.

Caution should be exercised in the presence of acute lower limb injuries and certain orthopedic problems of knee osteoarthritis or herniated lumbar disc, and some people with diabetic foot. Until those problems are not solved would be better off switching to another type of exercise.

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